2023 Therapeutic Summer Programming
Progressive Paediatrics Inc. summer programming is designed to ensure your child has a fun week all while focusing on social, fine & gross motor skills, communication, and emotional regulation goals. Our staff will work with your child's unique abilities to assist them in trying new experiences, and gaining new skills all while having fun!
Summer Programming Activities
Crafts, games, and activities focused on fine motor, gross motor, and sensory exploration
Games and programming focusing on social skill development
Outdoor activities and games
Daily feedback forms detailing your child's day
When & Where
Where: ElmTree Clinic
10010-162 St, Edmonton AB.
When: AM spots : 9am - 12pm
PM spots : 1pm - 4pm
Monday - Friday
Weeks: July 10-14 | July 24-28
Aug 7-11 | Aug 21-25
Cost: $300
Who is it for?
3-5 years old.
Are working to build their tolerance for waiting, listening, and taking direction.
Are learining how to seek assistance from a peer or adult rather than lashing out.
Children who are easily dysregulated and react with behaviours such as scratching, biting, head butting, or throwing objects may not be best suited for this group. Contact us to discuss if you have any questions or to see if your child would be a good fit.
Contact us to register, for more information or fill out the from below and we will contact you.
Email : t.dauphinais@progressivepaediatrics.com
Contact Form
Fill out your information and the team will give you a call.