Your questions answered
We've put together some commonly asked questions to give you more information about Progressive Paediatrics Inc and what we can provide.
If you have any questions that you can't find the answers to, please use the contact us page.
What should I expect from my initial appointment?
During the first visit our staff will meet with you and your child to gather information and spend most of their time focused on your child, trying to see and understand what you see, and to develop some ideas about how to best help. This may look like your Clinician playing with your child, getting to know them, and then encouraging them to try things that might be harder to do. In this way, your Clinician can assess all aspects of your child’s development…gross and fine motor skills, language and cognition, muscle tone and movement quality, sensory processing, engagement and social skills, attention and focus, and response to difficult things. Therapy is not scary for kids because it is fun and respectful of them and their limits. Toward the end of the first session, your Clinician will isolate the largest concerns and create a plan with you to address them. You should plan to stay during your sessions to share all your knowledge and expertise on what concerns you are having.
How many appointments/sessions will my child need?
Our appointments are booked one session at a time. Each child and situation is unique but every session should be making a difference in your child's development or families life. Because our services are not directed by contracts, parents decide who is best to meet their families’ needs and how often they will see their therapist.
What are your fee for service rates?
Progressive Paediatrics aims to simplify the business of billing our clients for services provided. That is why we charge $200 per hour for the time that we spend face-to-face with our clients. There are no hidden or unexpected charges.
First time visits are scheduled for 90 minutes and include:
- an interview with parents/caregivers to understand the history, the current concerns and questions,
- review of any previous reports, school documents and assessments,
- time with the child to evaluate their skills,
- a wrap-up conversation with parents/caregivers to formulate a plan forward.
- documentation and professional collaboration as legislated in the Province of Alberta.
Follow-up visits are scheduled for 60 minutes and include:
- ongoing assessment, strategies, support and recommendations,
- documentation and professional collaboration as legislated in the Province of Alberta,
- chart notes which are shared with parents.
Additional fees are charged for:
- attendance at meetings as requested by parents/caregivers,
- visits to alternate locations such as daycare, school, alternate caregivers home, etc.
- reports intended for a third party such as insurance companies, schools, doctors and other providers,
- drive time at the hourly rate and mileage ($0.61/km) outside of the City of Edmonton.
Do I need a referral to book with your clinicians?
We accept referrals from guardians, doctors, and other clinicians that may be working with your child. Guardians are always in control of the services they receive. We will see any child when there are concerns about talking, walking, playing, getting along with others, starting school….or when “something doesn’t feel right”.
As regulated healthcare professionals in the Province of Alberta, it is our obligation to work with others who are also supporting your child such as doctors and therapists from other agencies and schools.
Do you direct bill insurance or FSCD?
We don't direct bill Edmonton Region FSCD, or insurance.
Receipts are issued after every appointment and many can seek reimbursement from third party funders e.g., FSCD Family Managed funding, Employer Benefits providers, Jordan’s Principle.
Do you offer payment plans?
We do offer payment plans. If you are needing to set up a payment plan prior to booking in please reach out to us via our contact us page prior to booking your initial consultation.